Sunday, 23 November 2014

Planting passion fruit around the school.

Planting passion fruit trees around the school.

3 months and some of the plants are doing really well. Unfortunately few are not doing so well as the soil is not very good and the plants are not getting enough care. Lets hope the passion fruits  do well.

Finally the fruits of patience and passion.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Energy Month

We are participating in the Energy Month campaign this November. Last week some of the Eco Warriors launched this campaign in the assembly. We also asked all the clases to make an energy pledge for their classroom. This week the Eco Police are on patrol during break ensuring that energy is saved as and when possible, specially during breaks.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Organic Garden

At present we have 8 raised vegetable beds in school which we use for growing organic vegetables. The Eco Warriors help look after the garden and also sell the produce that we harvest. We are also looking at growing vegetables in containers.

Hornbill Hawkers

Working in the garden is not just about learning to grow, but about learning a lot of other curricular skills as well. We do a lot of English and maths through our gardening activities. Children are learning to use scales to measure our produce, a practicle, relevant and an engaging way of learning. They also make their own bags out of recycled paper to pack what we sell, so we dont have to use plastic bags. Selling is a great way of developing speaking and listening skills and handling money. This is a more meaningful way of learning various skills in school.